
May 5, 2013

birthday and other things

the past few days were such a blessing 
i was out a lot inhale as much fresh air as possible 

i spend a lot of time with one of my very best friends, Desi 
 and her beautiful baby daughter 
we had a perfect and absolut delicious brunch on thursday 
and on friday we spend the day outside on a flea market 
so once in a while you go out and you make a stay-cation of it
and play tourist with your camera 
love it 
thuesday was kinda special day because my dad turned older^^ 
yes it was his birthday and my little sister and i asked him and my mom out for dinner
we spend the evening in one of our favourites
the Vietnamese restaurant sapa 
my parents never ate that kind of food before 
so we were excitet what they would
say - they loved it 

yesterday we celebrated the birthday of my dad 
with the whole family around 
10 people in one small place - haha ridiculous
but on the other hand funny to watch 
my niece is 3 this month and my nephew 1 
incredible how years go by
spending time with family is important
but also a mess in your apartment with two littles around 

** handmade for my sweetest goddaughter

** breakfast @ home - banana pancakes

** delicious surprise from my love for his Burgergirl  

my perfect goddaughter meeting for brunch 

** dinner @ sapa 

** Flea market @ vienna Neubau

** birthday party for my dad -love you dad happy birthday 

*2nd yoga class i taught today - thx guys

wish you a wonderful new week 

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